Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ready and Willing

There's something to be said about living in a state of readiness - being adapted for immediate use or action, a present preparedness ... ready. I'm reminded of the Boy Scout motto: be prepared. While tending flocks in the wilderness, Moses noticed a bush burning yet not burned: "When the LORD saw that he turned away [from the flock] to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Mose, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." (Exodus 3:4, AMP). Of course, The All-Knowing God knew exactly where Moses was; Moses' answer, however, wasn't signaling his geographic location rather his sense of readiness for obedience. We don't know a lot about Moses' years after he hurriedly left Egypt but one thing we conclude from God's call and Moses answer: he knew the voice of God. Jesus said He calls His sheep by name, they hear and know His voice (John 10:3). Time spent in The Word is time spent with Jesus Who reveals more and more of The Father to us - that's how we know His voice. Hearing should always lead to obeying. As you read the next few verses, Moses gave a hosts of reasons which [in his own mind] disqualified him and made his readiness questionable. God was neither convinced nor deterred: Moses was the chosen man to lead God's people, and ultimately Moses obeyed. God may not be calling you to anything quite as life-altering as Moses but I imagine His plan for you involves something as noble as a phone call to a friend missing-in-action or an aging neighbor or a troubled teen. Whatever it is, God is looking for you to say "here I am" ... ready and willing.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Simply Surrendered

The actor, Jim Nabors, gave us lots of laughs as Gomer Pyle but I don’t recall anyone laughing when Jim Nabors sang!  His singing voice in no way resembled his speaking voice.  God cares deeply how I match up. That is, am I in private what I am in public?  Oh, that we all were real through-and-through, never a need to weigh real against pretense. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that … simple.  Paul wrote, “For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.”  (2 Corinthians 1:12)  Devout & pure motives, simple godly sincerity – what a state-of-being!  In front of our local high school once stood a sign with these words: do the right thing.  Simple and profound - a whisper of The Father to my own oft fickle heart. O Lord, give me a humble heart ... simply surrendered.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lovely Consequence

You may recall this phrase, "elections have consequences," and thinking yes they do. Well, in a more devastating way, personal choices have consequences! As a general rule, we don't care to think-about how our own choices often lead to bad attitudes and grumbling. Before Elijah's showdown with the prophets of [the false god] Baal on Mount Carmel, King Ahab called Elijah a trouble-maker; Elijah's response to Ahab's accusation should strike a chord in every Believer's heart: "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD" (1 Kings 18:17, NASB). Israel's troubles - a devastating three-year drought - could not be blamed on Elijah or God; no ... the king's and the nation's rebellion against God resulted in severe judgment. God says His people: if "My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14, NASB). Here, God promises some lovely consequences that result and grows from a series of obedience: humble yourself, pray and seek The Father, turn away from sinful ways - then God hears, forgives and heals. That's a choice with a ... lovely consequence!

Monday, April 15, 2024

It Matters Much

A little here, a little there - a pinch here, a pinch there ... that seemed to be how my Nanny and my Mama measured ingredients. That hasn't worked so well for me! God said "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5, ESV) then He repeated Himself "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37, ESV). I suspect it's at the word "all" where we get lost! Satan convinces us we're doing pretty good - we're mostly obedient. Oswald Chambers writes, "Beware of the thing of which you say — 'Oh, that does not matter much.' The fact that it does not matter much to you may mean that it matters a very great deal to God" (My Utmost for His Highest). Scripture is clear: it's the little foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15) ... A little folly outweighs wisdom and honor (Ecclesiastes 10:1) ... The one who keeps the whole law but fails in one point is guilty of all of it (James 2:10). With God, "nothing is a mere detail" (Chambers). That little-here and little-there is a spiritual-life killer! Perhaps a good rule to remember is when we think it matters little, to God ... it matters much!

Sunday, April 14, 2024


One of the basic principles of shopping is identifying what suits your taste - we look for what we like! Far beyond what we find appealing for outward appearances, there is basically one thing that looks good on every child of God: that is, Jesus. " For those whom He foreknew [and loved and chose beforehand], He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son [and ultimately share in His complete sanctification], so that He would be the firstborn [the most beloved and honored] among many believers." (Romans 8:29, AMP). It's so easy for us to be caught up in the world's crazy-cycle of wanting to look-like this or be-like that; for the Believer, however, Jesus calls us to be totally unlike what the world deems normal and acceptable! Just like He called Israel out from among the nations, so is His call upon those who are now saved by grace through faith: "For you are a people holy to the Lord ... the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession ... out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 14:2). Notice God says "be a people" instead of look-like! To those who have trusted Him, God has given a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26). That, my friend, is what gives us an unlikeness like all others, Let us [then] take joy in our ... unlikeness!